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Data Entry Clerk

Job Mode :Part-time Job
Published On :2016-08-20
Last Application Date :0 days remaining (2017-00-00)
Category :Admin & Secretarial (Data Entry Clerk)
Pay Rate :£250 per week
Location :EC1A
City :London
Country :UK
Job Posted By:Stay @ Home Mum
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Job Description

Stay @ Home Mum
Home Based Typist/Data Entry Clerks. We have several positions available for stay at home Mothers. This is an opportunity to work part-time or full-time, working around the needs of your child/children. We are seeking honest, self-motivated, organized mums, with Internet access.
No experience is needed.
Earning £250.00 to £500.00 from the comfort of their own homes. The preferred applicants should have basic computer and typing skills, ability to spell and print neatly, and ability to follow directions.
Requirements: Computer with internet access, valid e-mail address, good, accurate typing skills. If you fit the above description and meet our requirements, please contact Vanessa with a CV. stating where you are located. Please only SERIOUS stay @ home mums.

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