well-organized and energetic secretary |
we are looking for well-organized and energetic secretary to strengthen our office staff:must be a self-starter with a positive attitude; be able to work under pressure in a time-constrained environment.upper level of english language skills (verbal and written).computer skills with ms office, particularly excel and word.extreme discretion and flexibility in work hours.must work well in a team and |
royalty/copyright coordinator from music publishing |
royalty/copyright coordinator from music publishinglocation: london, near euston and kingââ¬â¢s crossthe company and situation:the world leader in the provision of software systems to the music and entertainment industry is seeking a royalty/copyright coordinator specifically from the music publishing industry. they are a software house with a range of products and this vacancy relates |
work form home jobs / daily work daily payment |
are your looking for work from home jobs? best part time jobs in internet with daily work daily payment. join now indiaââ¬â¢s topes part time jobs provider company since 6 year successful business. visit our websites and gives us 5 minutes we will super change you part time work mode. for more visit- http://cyberexpo.ine-mail us-info@cyberexpo.incontact mobile- 075 85 04 04 04 , 081 |
it business analyst from music publishing |
i.t. business analyst from music publishinglocation: london, near euston and kingââ¬â¢s crossthe company and situation:the world leader in the provision of software systems to the music and entertainment industry is seeking an i.t. business analyst specifically from the music publishing industry. they are a software house with a range of products and this vacancy relates to their flagsh |
1500 free online jobs from home jobs free registration |
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1500 free online jobs from home jobs, free registration |
are you looking for home-based online jobs? - are you a student, housewife, jobseeker ? - are you ready to work 1 to 2 hours daily online? - do you need guaranteed payment monthly? then this is for you, - clicking on their advertisement e-mails. - submitting their data\'s online. - reading their advertisement sms. - filling forms on their websites, etc,for more details visit ouir website www.easyp |
1500 free online jobs from home jobs, free registration |
are you looking for home-based online jobs? - are you a student, housewife, jobseeker ? - are you ready to work 1 to 2 hours daily online? - do you need guaranteed payment monthly? then this is for you, - clicking on their advertisement e-mails. - submitting their data\'s online. - reading their advertisement sms. - filling forms on their websites, etc,for more details visit ouir website www.easyp |
it media admin sales and marketing assistantcoordinator only native english spea |
do you love social media? are you an active user of facebook or other social network? we are a web development/ it services provider company based in sw london. we are looking for a highly motivate web literate individual, familiar with web design, search engine optimization (seo) social network media (facebook applications, bebo, my space, hi5 etc). he\\\\she must be self driven, enthusiastic and |
market stall staff |
we are looking for friendly, reliable and outgoing staff to run our weekend market stalls. regular and casual shifts available at various north and west london locations starting this summer!breadren is an artisan bakery and street food business making a unique and eclectic range of modern, wholesome goodies, using natural ingredients, unrefined sugars, organic flours and with exotic and healthy t |
office administrative assistant |
small security firm based in stockwell (sw9) requires admin assistant to run their busy office. you will be answering phones, taking messages and making sure they get passed onto the right person (accounts, managing director, engineers), deal with incoming post, writing and posting letters, inputting customer details on our database, printing out and filing all paperwork, dealing with customer qu |